Monday, April 7, 2014

9 Months and growing big

It is amazing the changes we have seen in DJ in the last month!! He is getting so big!
Well we have an advanced crawler in our house.  He is getting into everything!  We bought a "corral" to keep him contained in his play area or a smaller area so we can do some work and not worry about him getting into anything.  Lots of new things this month.  He has also officially learned how to pull himself up into a standing position! He now is a big clapper!! If he sees you clapping he will def clap with you!  His dad was teaching him to crawl up stairs while we were in Springhill, TN visiting Uncle Derek, Aunt Rachel, and Cousin Devin last month and he learned how to crawl up onto the fireplace hearth! Thank goodness it is getting warmer out and we won't need the fireplace on very much more!

Happy 9 Months Old Little Man!!!

"In Jail" in my Corral!!!!

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